We are so happy you are exploring how to become a foster parent with us in Green County. We desperately need more foster homes in southern Wisconsin. Although we currently have loving families in Monroe and Monticello we don't have enough families to care for the number of kids needing a loving home.
The differences are mainly found in the amount of support and attention CCR foster parents receive. In addition, the unmatched experience and education of our staff are critical in helping kids heal from trauma. CCR kids have a variety of trauma histories and require foster families to have a flexible schedule. Being at home when kids are not in school is required. In turn, CCR provides the following support to ALL foster parents.
If you qualify to be a foster parent and can provide love, patience, and a flexible schedule to children with trauma, we would love to speak with you. We encourage you to explore our website and find many answers to the important foster care questions you have.