
Julie, Monroe County

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Ask This Before Becoming a Foster Parent in Wisconsin

If you want to become a foster parent in Wisconsin, it is important to do research and ask questions of the foster agency. Learning everything you can before committing to an agency will be beneficial when caring for foster children in your home. Most people know the basic questions to ask, but one question stands out. There is one question everyone should ask of a foster agency.

The first step to becoming a foster parent in Wisconsin.

The CCR team answers calls, emails, instant messages, and texts from prospective foster parents daily. We answer dozens of questions on how to qualify and the steps to become a foster parent. We address everyone individually and personally. We do not offer generic group information sessions or send out packets of information to be explored at home. We want folks to have ALL the foster care answers needed to make the best decision for themselves and their family. Transparency and honesty are promised to everyone inquiring.

Popular questions about becoming a Wisconsin foster parent:

We speak with hundreds of Wisconsinites every year about foster parenting. Sometimes, it is a quick message; most times, it is a 15-20 minute phone call. It all depends on how many questions are asked and how much information is desired. With big hearts and eagerness to help, the majority of people ask the following questions:

  • How do I get started?
  • When is the next foster parent training?
  • How long does it take to get a foster license?become a foster parent?

Not quite sure what questions to ask us? We have the experience to help.

We understand that, in most cases, people don't know what questions to ask about becoming a foster parent. That is precisely why CCR has a retired foster parent available to answer calls and handle all inquiries. Speaking with someone who has fostered children and understands the exploration and decision-making process is a real benefit to people considering foster parenting. From the first contact with CCR, folks know we are here to help with honesty.

Ask as many questions as possible, but remember the most important question!

Remember when a teacher said, "There are no dumb questions." That is true here at CCR as well. Ask us anything, big or small. We promise to be honest and transparent.

ccr support team

The most important to ask a foster care agency is:

How will your agency support me when I have a foster child(ren) placed in my home?

The answer you get should be the determining factor in choosing a foster agency. SUPPORT. Foster parents cannot do this work alone. The primary reason foster parents quit or transfer to a different agency is the lack of agency support. What is promised, and what will be delivered?

Ask these specific questions about the support you will receive as a foster parent.

Social services are plagued with high employee turnover and burnout. Specifically, ask what the average length of employment is for case managers. In addition, be sure to ask the following questions, as they are crucial to foster parent success and the ability for kids to heal in a stable environment.

  • How often will a case manager visit the home to provide support?
  • What are the agency policies on responsiveness and communication between foster parents and case managers?
  • Is there a 24/7 phone line? Who will answer after-hour calls, and how quickly?
  • What is the maximum number of children on a case manager's caseload?

Support is Second

It takes a team to care for kids in foster care. Successful foster parents are part of a team working together for children's best interests. The CCR team is dedicated to serving and supporting families and children. For 34 years, helping children heal from trauma has been our number one goal. We do that with a team effort, and we genuinely believe that the support we provide our foster parents is better than any agency in Wisconsin.

Call us anytime. Ask us about support services and what we will do for you while kids are placed in your home!


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